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2 Red Family Mazda 6s for Sale Under $7,500 in NSW With Airbags

Red 2017 Mazda 6 Wagon Touring
Contactless Buying
For Auction
168,490 km

2017 Mazda 6 Touring

Dealer: Auction
Guildford, NSW
2017 Mazda 6 Touring 6C MY17 (gl)
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Dealer: Auction
Guildford, NSW
Front Wheel Drive
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Simulcast auctions start at 10:30am every Tuesday and Thursday, consisting of government, corporate, fleet and general sale vehicles. Private Buyers are welcome. Private Buyers receive a NSW Roadworthy Certificate for any vehicle purchased with current NSW Registration. Unregi...
Red 2012 Mazda 6 Sedan Touring
AutoRecord Available
252,350 km

2012 Mazda 6 Touring

Dealer: Used
Penrith, NSW
2012 Mazda 6 Touring GH MY11
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Dealer: Used
Penrith, NSW
Front Wheel Drive
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*** Won't last at this price *** Mazda 6 Touring, Automatic wagon with log books, fog lights, air conditioning, power steering, power windows, power mirrors, central locking, cruise control, dual airbag package, ABS, leather upholstery, parking distance control, alloy wheels & mo...
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