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1 Grey 4x4, Rear Wheel Drive Nissan Patrol for Sale in New England, NSW With Alloy Wheels From 2021

Grey 2021 Nissan Patrol Wagon TI (4X4)
AutoRecord Available
77,583 km

2021 Nissan Patrol TI (4X4)

Dealer: Used
Dubbo, NSW • 253km
2021 Nissan Patrol TI (4X4) Y62 Series 5 MY21
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Dealer: Used
Dubbo, NSW
(253km from New England)
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Looking for a great family SUV that not only has plenty pf power, but also feels like a couch on wheels. With a total of 8 seats, full Bluetooth connectivity, a massive amount of room; not only in the boot, but also the leg room is amazing, heaps of storage around the place so yo...
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