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1 Four Wheel Drive Nissan Patrol for Sale Over $50,000 in South Coast, NSW With Isofix From 2016

White 2016 Nissan Patrol Wagon TI (4X4)
AutoRecord Available
150,448 km

2016 Nissan Patrol TI (4X4)

Dealer: Used
Holbrook, NSW • 260km
2016 Nissan Patrol TI (4X4) Y62 Series 2
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Dealer: Used
Holbrook, NSW
(260km from South Coast)
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The legendary Y62 patrol V8 , is built with heaps of grunt, and comfort in mind, and is more than capable of towing big vans and trailers easily.Has had all of its services , and been looked after very well.It is full of features and extras, and sounds great too!!
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