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1 Seven Seater Nissan Patrol SUV for Sale in SA With a Tow Bar From 2012

White 2012 Nissan Patrol Wagon ST (4X4)
AutoRecord Available
203,226 km

2012 Nissan Patrol ST (4X4)

Dealer: Used
Gepps Cross, SA
2012 Nissan Patrol ST (4X4) GU VII
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Dealer: Used
Gepps Cross, SA
Four Wheel Drive
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Nissan Patrol TURBO DIESEL lets list some of the added extras, BULL BAR ( heavy duty ) SPOT LIGHTS ROOF RACKS WITH CARRY BASKET SNORKEL BRAND NEW TYRES REAR SWING AWAY WHEEL CARRIERS TOW BAR TO MANY TO LIST . Superb pedigree in these nissan patrol legends , TRA...
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