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1 White Four Wheel Drive Old Nissan Patrol for Sale in WA With Alloy Wheels From 2012

White 2012 Nissan Patrol Wagon ST (4X4)
Contactless Buying
279,733 km

2012 Nissan Patrol ST (4X4)

Dealer: Used
Wangara, WA
2012 Nissan Patrol ST (4X4) GU VII
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Dealer: Used
Wangara, WA
Four Wheel Drive
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Please don't enquire unless 100% interested as it costs us a lot of money! If you are, read on....Real good Nissan Patrol here with 3.0Ltr Turbo Diesel 4x4 motor, MANUAL and a stack of features and extras such as... - Dual air conditioning - Bull bar with spot...
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