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1 Four Wheel Drive Nissan Patrol SUV for Sale in Perth, WA With a Keyless Entry From 2016

2016 Nissan Patrol Wagon TI (4X4)
Contactless Buying
122,750 km

2016 Nissan Patrol TI (4X4)

Dealer: Used
Rockingham, WA • 35km
2016 Nissan Patrol TI (4X4) Y62 Series 3
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Dealer: Used
Rockingham, WA
(35km from Perth)
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Take on any adventure in this 2016 Nissan Patrol Ti Y62, a full-size 4WD powerhouse that delivers rugged capability, premium comfort, and advanced technology. Under the hood, the 5.6L V8 petrol engine delivers smooth, effortless power, making it perfect for towing, off-roading, o...
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