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1 Red, Brown Nissan Patrol for Sale in WA With Roof Rails

Red 2002 Nissan Patrol Wagon ST (4x4) GU III
AutoRecord Available
356,850 km

2002 Nissan Patrol ST (4x4) GU III

Dealer: Used
Maylands, WA
2002 Nissan Patrol ST (4x4) GU III
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Dealer: Used
Maylands, WA
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*** MANUAL ***4X4 *** TURBO DIESEL *** FINANCE AVAILANLE *** TRADES WELCOME ***Discover the adventurous spirit of the 2002 Nissan Patrol ST (4x4) GU III, a robust and reliable 4D wagon designed for both on-road comfort and off-road excitement. This manual transmission die...
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