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2000 Subaru Forester shut down while driving

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

A car can stop in its tracks for hundreds of reasons, but in a car like yours, first suspicions would be either the fuel pump or something like the crank-angle sensor. If the problem had been a clogged fuel filter or a dud spark plug, the problem would probably have made the engine run poorly, but not stopped it dead in an instant.

Electric fuel pumps don’t last forever and, when they die, they die quickly and without notice. Same goes for crank-angle sensors, without which, the computer doesn’t know where the individual pistons are in each cylinder and, therefore, can’t inject fuel or create spark at the precise time it needs to.

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Why does my 2023 GWM Cannon X idle roughly when the air-con is on?

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

You’d be surprised at how much load an air-conditioner places on an engine, especially when it’s idling and not making much power or torque. It can certainly be enough to make the engine labour and drop revs, forcing it down to a speed where it can no longer idle smoothly; almost as if it’s trying to stall.

Carmakers get around this by programming an idle-up function into the car’s computer. This detects that the air-con has been switched on and will then tell the engine to idle a little faster to keep everything running smoothly. If this idle-up function is not working, you can get the precise symptoms you’ve described. However, if this is the cause then make it GWM’s problem to put right, as it amounts to a fault and should be covered by the new-car warranty.

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Why is my 2022 MG HS EV whistling?

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

The first thing to check here would be how well the door and window rubbers are sealing. If they’re not sealing absolutely 100 per cent, a whistling noise at higher speeds is often the result. This technology has come a long way but, ultimately, it all depends on the rubber sealing the glass and the door against the rest of the car. Inferior quality rubber has been noted in some cases, and other times a single bad batch of rubber has been to blame.

But the first thing to do is open each door and make sure there’s not a small twig or piece of tree stuck in the rubber as this can cause the same problem. At least the latter is easy to remedy.

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My 2017 Audi Q5 is jerking when changing gears

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

While this version of the Audi Q5 uses a wet-clutch version of the dual-clutch transmission, failures and problems are not unknown. Generally, any shuddering or jerking in a DSG transmission suggest either worn clutch packs or a problem with the electronics that control the gearbox.

But it’s important to make sure that this is not an engine problem contributing to the jerking behaviour, so an electronic scan of the driveline is in order. This should help narrow down the potential causes and make diagnosis more accurate and repairs cheaper. The gearbox can be scanned, too, to check the operation of the clutch packs.

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Thermostat and temperature gauge problems in my 2011 Ford Territory

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

It might be a case of super-fast overheating, but one would expect the temperature needle to take more than 15 seconds to go from normal to dangerously hot. You could have a broken or faulty gauge, a short-circuiting wire somewhere in the gauge’s wiring or even a temperature sender unit that is giving false readings to the gauge once it gets to a certain temperature.

The first thing to do is work out just how hot the engine really is getting. You can do this with an external temperature gauge or an infra-red thermometer that can be bought for a few dollars. Aim the infra-red beam at the top tank of the radiator, or the top radiator hose and see what reading you get. You should see a value of between 85 and 95 degrees Celsius. At which point, the engine wouldn’t appear to be overheating (provided your new thermostat is working properly).

By the way, the coolant being under pressure when the engine is at operating temperature is perfectly normal. It’s why you shouldn’t remove the cap on the expansion tank when the engine is hot as you can easily get burnt by the escaping coolant. Modern engines pressurise their cooling systems to actually raise the boiling point of the coolant and make their cooling systems more efficient.

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Why is my 2023 Isuzu M-UX doing so many DPF burns?

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

My experiences with the very latest turbo-diesel engines available suggests that DPF burn offs are being programmed to happen much more often. It’s likely to be a manufacturer response to the problems associated with DPFs that become clogged and then require manual cleaning or even costly replacement. By programming the DPF to burn off more often, the theory is that this will lead to fewer DPF blockages and other problems, making life easier for the car’s owner and reducing customer complaints.

Perhaps another aspect of this is that the DPF burn usually takes several minutes and kilometres of driving to complete. If the vehicle is stopped before the burn is complete, it may try again for a complete regeneration (burn) as soon as possible, which could be why you’re seeing these frequent notifications on the dashboard.

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Air conditioning problems in my 2015 Isuzu D-Max

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

Let’s start at the start. The SVS light on your car stands for 'Service Vehicle Soon'. Fundamentally, it’s telling you that something is not right somewhere on the vehicle and the computer has logged the fault. That’s why a scan showed up the code PO661.

On this vehicle, code PO661 relates to the electronics that control the swirl valve inside the intake manifold. This valve works to create the maximum gas velocity inside the intake runners and, therefore, gain the cleanest, most complete burn of the fuel and air entering the engine. If this valve is not operating properly, you may find a loss of power as the turbocharger won’t be working at its most efficient. In some cases, the same fault code can show up because of a problem with the engine’s EGR valve which is also part of the engine’s intake system. This may require the manifold to be removed and manually cleaned.

However, it’s unlikely to be anything to do with the car’s air-conditioning system, which is more likely to be a coincidence. That said, if the engine is running hotter than normal because the intake system is not working properly, then the car may have an interlock that prevents the air-con coming on to help keep coolant temperatures at bay.

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Will a 225/55/17 tyre fit a 2000 Lexus LS?

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

Apart from the obvious requirement to change to 17-inch wheels as well as your chosen tyre, there are legalities to be considered here, and they can vary from State to Territory, so you need to check with your local authorities before committing to any change like this. However, broadly speaking, you can increase your wheel size by up to two inches, provided you don’t throw your speedometer out in the process. You also need to stay within a certain percentage of the car’s original rolling circumference (the distance the tyre travels in one revolution) to remain legal. And there are the practical issues such as tyre-to-bodywork clearance.

However, on the surface the swap you’ve nominated should be legal and practical. The 2000 Lexus LS400 originally came with a 225 60/16 wheel and tyre, so your preferred option only increases wheel diameter by one inch. Also, by fitting a 55-series tyre, you’ve reduced the sidewall height (from the standard 60-series tyre) so the rolling resistance of your new combination will be less than one per cent larger, so shouldn’t create any legal or clearance hassles. Just be sure to let your insurance company know you’ve made the change. Be sure to check the accuracy of your speedometer after the change, too. A GPS speedo app on your phone is the easiest way to do this.

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Can I buy a 2024 Kia Soul in South Australia?

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

While Kia continues to make a model called the Soul, it’s not sold officially in Australia. Which means to get a 2024 model in this country, you’d be looking at a private (or`grey’) import. At which point, there’d be no factory warranty from Kia and you may have trouble finding service and replacement parts when you need them.

Kia Australia sold the Soul here from 2009 to 2020. It was a good concept, but never really seemed to resonate with Aussie buyers. It was practical and functional and probably deserved to do better. Unfortunately, it went head to head with trendier SUVs which were much more popular and, therefore, sold in bigger numbers.

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Issues with towing in my 2023 SsangYong Musso

Answered by CarsGuide · 29 Jan 2025

There’s a couple of things to look for here. The first is pretty fundamental and relates to how the caravan is loaded and set up. You need to check that the two-ball down-load has not exceeded its maximum (usually 10 per cent of the towed load, so about 270kg in this case). And how is the van loaded beyond that? Are there full water tanks on board? Is the bulk of the mass inside as close to the axles as possible and not stacked in the extreme front or rear of the van?

Swaying and a light front end are classic signs of a poorly loaded or set-up rig. But they’re also dangerous and contribute to many serious caravan crashes every year.

The air-bags are another matter altogether. If these are not correctly set up and adjusted, they can cause more problems than they fix. The best advice would be to visit a caravan and suspension specialist, have the rig weighed axle by axle to determine the total mass and how it’s distributed. From there, you need to listen to what the specialist has to say and be prepared to make some changes on how you set up to tow. But even set up correctly, a 2.7-tonne caravan is getting pretty close to the practical maximum for a SsangYong Musso.

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