Articles by Gordon Lomas

Gordon Lomas
Contributing Journalist
Gordon Lomas is a former CarsGuide contributor and News Limited Journalist. He is an automotive expert with decades of experience, and specialises in motorsport.

Parameters set by Porsche pitch the Panamera as the leader in...Read more

Holden ace Garth Tander is seething about a controversial 12-point...Read more

As the regulations have changed, designers have come up with some...Read more

A stray red Holden flag failed to stop Ford's favourite team from...Read more

Marcos Ambrose is ready to take the leap into the NASCAR coalface...Read more

The next generation of Lamborghini road rockets could use turbocharged...Read more

The first sports car company to build a giant four-wheel-drive has no...Read more

Osborne, who took over two months ago, confirms a diesel engine, almost...Read more

Sydney could make a left-field bid for the Formula One grand prix, with...Read more

The State Government says a revised estimate of capital costs has...Read more