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Audi Q7 a lemon

Asked by Monique Holmes-Richardson

Two years ago I bought an Audi Q7. In that time it has been back to my local dealership more than four times because of water leaking on to the front floor. It was in the workshop for two weeks prior to Christmas last year when I was assured it had been fixed. Come January when we had heavy rain in Victoria I had to resort to carrying towels because it was still leaking! When my dealer advised me that I could take it to another dealership I took it to Melbourne where the dealer there had it for six weeks. One week after it was returned it was leaking again. We have told the Audi Australia Regional Manager we want a replacement Q7, and we don't want ours back until it is fixed, but he said he doesn't have a car to give us. I bought a very expensive car and it has been in the workshop for almost three months in total and it still isn't fixed. What can I do?

Answered by CarsGuide

7 Apr 2011 CarsGuide team

We don't have lemon laws like they do in the United States, which is unfortunate, because you seem to have copped a lemon for sure, and under the US laws your car would almost certainly be replaced. You are right in demanding it be fixed, and also right in telling Audi not to return the car until it is fixed, but I would have gone further and demanded they either replace an apparently faulty car or give you your money back. I would suggest three things you could do to achieve a resolution to your problem; first contact Audi head office in Sydney and demand to speak to the Managing Director, second contact the consumer affairs people and enlist their help, and third consult a lawyer with a view to sending Audi a letter demanding action.

Under the Australian Consumer Law introduced in January 2011, a consumer can request a refund or a replacement for persistent problems if the car doesn’t do the job it’s supposed to do.

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