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Jeep Grand Cherokee 2010: Suspension clunk and auto shudder

Asked by Robert Bevan

I was interested to read about the clunks in the Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo diesel in Ask Smithy on May 10 as I too own one and have experienced the same symptom on a few occasions. It feels as if the suspension has "bottomed out" and sounds like it as well. But when I spoke to my local dealer they told me they had not seen any service action notice and couldn't find anything on the website. Another issue I have had, without a successful resolution, is an intermittent shudder as the change from first to second occurs. I have raised it with my dealer on many occasions and can only get a "there is nothing wrong, it is normal" response. However, I drove a brand new off the block vehicle, which showed no signs of a shudder. Has this come to your attention from any readers before?

Answered by CarsGuide

24 May 2013

We understand the notice advising dealers about the shock absorber clunk has only recently gone out, so it might not have found its way through the system. Check back with your dealer, and if they still don't have it have them contact Chrysler. As for your shudder when the auto trans changes from first to second we haven't had any reports to date.

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