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Landrover Discovery repairs

Asked by Steve Ackling

In August I bought a 1996 Landrover Discovery in Capalaba and after driving it back home to Bundaberg I found a couple of things wrong. I rang the car yard about it and got the ok to get them fixed with our own mechanic, but when driving to the workshop the car made a loud noise and stopped. It was still under 1000 km and still within the month of warranty as per the contract of sale. I rang the car yard again and the head dude said to get it fixed, but now that it is fixed he will not pay up saying we have to negotiate the deal. Should he be paying the full price for the car to be repaired?

Answered by CarsGuide

8 Dec 2011

I would expect that he should be paying for the repairs under the terms of the contract, and if you want to proceed that way I would be getting legal advice with the thought of sending him a solicitors letter of demand. The alternative is to negotiate a settlement as he suggests.

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