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Volkswagen Tiguan 2015: Air-conditioning and phone problems

Asked by Celeste

I have had problems with the phone and air-conditioning in my 2015 VW Tiguan ever since I bought it new. The phone has issues with echo, it will hang up mid phone call and will often not connect with the phone at all. Previously the only way to rectify this is to have the dealer reset the phone. The air-conditioner will occasionally not work at all. I have had the car in to the dealer many times over the year I've owned it, and as they were unable to rectify the issues they put me onto Volkswagen Customer care. Customer care have had the complaint for over six months, they have sent me back to the dealer twice to collect information. Unfortunately I am now the pawn in the middle as the dealer is directing me to Customer care and Customer care is directing me to the dealer. Where do I go from here and how can I get these issues rectified, when they can't identify the problem?

Answered by CarsGuide

15 Apr 2016 Graham Smith

You are being treated absolutely appallingly, by the dealer and by VW. The problem starts with the dealer, if they can't fix it it's their responsibility to go to VW and ask for assistance. It is not for them to tell you to go to VW, that's passing the buck. It's also not VW's place to tell you to go back to the dealer, as the car's manufacturer it's their responsibility to fix it. Go to the dealer and express your dissatisfaction with their service, and ask that they request VW's help in sorting the problem. VW has technicians who can assess and hopefully fix your car. If they can't fix it they can request help from VW in Germany. Keep escalating the problem up the tree, from the dealer, the VW Customer Care, to VW's Managing Director or higher if needed. It is their job to fix your car.

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