Youthsafe launches free eBook to help learner drivers

YouthSafe, a national not-for-profit organisation providing industry training and community support in the field of youth safety, has produced a free eBook to help improve outcomes for learner drivers and their licenced supervisors.
According to the organisation’s CEO, Warren Johnson, the new book - From Ls to Ps: Teaching Aussie teens to drive, by David Riches - has been written for a national audience.
“Parents have a particular responsibility in teaching their kids how to drive, and this book is designed to give mum and dad some useful, low-risk strategies,” Mr Johnson said.
“It takes time for young drivers to acquire bigger picture skills related to awareness and anticipation, and the book, while covering the basics, looks beyond technical proficiency alone,” he said.
YouthSafe focuses on unintentional injury in the four settings where young people are most likely to be injured: on the roads, at work, while playing sport and when out socialising with friends.
The Roads stream is currently focusing on learner driver mentor programs, designed to help learner drivers access a supervising driver, a ‘Safer Drivers’ course for training providers in NSW, and car dealership road safety sessions; showroom seminars aimed at providing practical tips for young drivers and their parents, while highlighting the safety technology embedded in new cars.
You'll find Youthsafe's free Ls to Ps eBook here.