Year | Price From | Price To |
2024 | $29,700 | $35,750 |
2023 | $27,500 | $33,110 |
2022 | $24,310 | $30,030 |
2021 | $21,560 | $27,280 |
2020 | $19,690 | $24,970 |
2019 | $14,080 | $23,430 |
2018 | $12,760 | $28,820 |
2017 | $10,010 | $18,810 |
2016 | $8,910 | $28,710 |
2015 | $8,470 | $15,620 |
2014 | $7,590 | $14,630 |
2013 | $7,590 | $15,840 |
2012 | $8,250 | $15,070 |
Foton Tunland FAQs
Check out real-world situations relating to the Foton Tunland here, particularly what our experts have to say about them.
Problems when buying a Foton 4x4?
It's an unproven brand, which is why they are cheap. It was the same with Great Wall and their resale values reflect the way owners and potential owners feel about them. I wouldn't do it.
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Tunland air-con problem
Thanks for the tip. It's certainly something worth checking and might provide a simple fix for the owner in question.
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Foton Tunland warning light
It could be as simple as rebooting the computer, but whatever the dealer needs to find out what is causing it and then fix it. If he doesn't know how to do it he should call head office here in Australia, and if they can't fix it they should call the Chinese head office.
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