Hyundai ix35 Problems
No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Hyundai ix35 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.
Hyundai ix35 2012: Poor radio quality
We've had a few reports of poor radio reception on Hyundais. Your best course of action would be to consult a radio specialist who should be able to fit a better antenna to your car.
Hyundai ix35 2010: Drops out of gear
It's always hard to find the cause of a problem you can't witness firsthand, so the only thing you can do at this stage is persist with the dealer and hope they can track it down for you. In the meantime note every instance of the issue, recording time, place, circumstances, engine speed, gears etc. so you can give the dealer the maximum amount of information possible.
Hyundai ix35 2010: Rapid brake wear
It's a course worth considering. Rapid brake wear, both pads and rotors, is not confined to Hyundai, many makes suffer from the same issue, it's a consequence of the demand for better braking efficiency. That said, I would expect rotors to last longer than that, which might give you a claim under the consumer laws. Going that way, however, will test your patience and persistence. It might be better to consult a brake specialist and fit rotors that might last longer.
Hyundai ix35 2011: Excessive brake wear
Brake wear is an issue that crops up regularly with most makes, not only Hyundai. It's a fact of life that brakes wear out much faster than they once did, and it's down to a number of things, like the removal of asbestos from brake linings, softer disc material, the introduction of ABS braking etc, heavier traffic, more traffic lights etc. They all contribute.
Hyundai ix35 2012: Crackling radio reception
We have had a number of similar reports on Hyundai vehicles, and it seems it is the antenna that's the problem. Talk to your dealer and ask that he fit a new antenna.
Hyundai ix35 2011: Fix for poor radio reception
That's good news, and like you we would also like to thank Hyundai for following through and fixing the problem.
Hyundai ix35 2010: Dropping out of gear
Straight back to the dealer. If the dealer doesn't know what is causing the problem they can call in the experts from Hyundai. Your car is still under warranty, so Hyundai is responsible for fixing the problem to your satisfaction.