Volkswagen Caddy Problems
No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Volkswagen Caddy reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.
VW Caddy for camping?
The Caddy is based on the Golf, so it drives and handles much like a passenger car. That makes it a much better vehicle than one of the larger commercial vans, which can be unpleasant things to drive. There’s no shortage of VW dealerships around the country, you’ll find them in the main towns all along your route, and most mechanics would be able to sort out any problems you might encounter.
Abnormal tyre wear on VW Caddy
It is not normal for tyres to scallop, on the Caddy or any other vehicle. To find they are scalloped at the first service is most unusual and you would have to think there is something amiss with the car or tyres. If the tyres have been correctly inflated you would have to suspect there was something wrong with the alignment of the car. Have it checked by an independent suspension specialist to get an unbiased opinion.
VW Caddy gear change troubles
Take the dealer for a ride and demonstrate what it is you are concerned about. You have to make sure the dealer understands that you are concerned and won't go away.
VW Caddy EGR cooler
You must replace it; the car isn't legal if you don't because the part is a part of the exhaust emission control system, which is required by law to be functional. Going to a van of another make is an expensive move, one that needs careful consideration.
Fix the caddy problem
IT'S unusual to have the rear brakes wearing out before the front, which do most of the stopping work, so I'd first be making sure the brake system is functioning correctly. If it is, there is good reason to pressure VW to replace the worn components under warranty, and you're correct that all manufacturers, carmakers and others, have a duty to provide a product that is fit for the purpose it's being sold for.
Hitting the brakes fast
IT'S not unusual for cars that come from Europe. They tend to wear out their brakes at a much faster rate. Ask the dealer to show you the measurements they take to demonstrate they really are worn out.