Audi Q3 2015 Problems
No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Audi Q3 2015 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.
Should I buy a Audi Q3 or Mazda CX-5 for my retirement?
You should never just buy a badge. The CX-5 is a better car, and considerably better value, than the Audi Q3. It's best in the class, gets The Tick from me, and is far better value than many prestige SUVs.
Best four-door SUV?
In that size and price class, I'd go for a Mazda CX-5. It gets The Tick from me, you can get front-wheel drive variants and there are ample choices on equipment.
Should I buy a Mazda CX-5 or Audi Q3?
I am not a great fan of the Q3. The CX-5 gets The Tick and has also just had a slight update with several improvements. The Mazda is also bigger and cheaper, which makes it a no-brainer for me.
Towing capacity of Audi Q3?
Audi spokesman Shaun Cleary says the ball weight for the Q3 is much lower than either the Q5 or Q7 as it's not designed in Europe for towing. Sorry.