Don't crop the top
Asked by Steve Salamon
I AM trying to find someone to modify my 1978 Series 2 XJ6 Jaguar into an open roadster and/or soft-top. I know a significant amount of work is involved, but I have a family of five and have always wanted a convertible, and the Jag is in superb condition. I have had one quote of $12,500 to remove the roof, reinforce the body and supply an engineering certificate. Does this sound excessive?
Answered by CarsGuide
25 Nov 2005I'D strongly advise against this. It's too big a job and too expensive. Jaguar produced an XJC cabriolet -- a two-door convertible much like you're wanting -- so perhaps you can seek out one of those. Or go for an American convertible. The quote seems too low for a decent job. If you go ahead, find out as much as you can about the person doing the work. Also, talk to a VicRoads-licensed engineer.