Ford Festiva Problems
No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Ford Festiva reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.
1995 Ford Festiva clutch playing up
The most obvious thing is that the clutch has gone, but before you replace check that the clutch is disengaging when you depress the pedal.
Ask Smithy Xtra Servicing schedule
If you have the service book you will find the service schedule printed in that. If you don’t have the book, then work on intervals of around 10,000 km or six months. Again, if you have the service book check to see when the cam timing belt was last changed. It should have been changed at around 100,000 km and will next require changing at the 200,000 km mark if it hasn’t been changed in the meantime.
Ask Smithy Xtra E10/E5 fuel for Festiva
We checked with the Biofuels people and they told us that Ford’s advice was that E5, a five per cent ethanol blend is okay, but E10 is not. They went on to say that given the age of your car and the fact that there have been no side effects from running on E10 so far that you are not likely to see any side effects. On that advice you’re probably ok to use E10.
Bearings on a Ford
We haven't received any reports of problems with wheel bearings on these cars. The Festiva was on the market for a long time and there was nothing to suggest there was a widespread problem with it, and while the Fiesta hasn't been here for a very long time it doesn't appear to have a history of problems in that area either.
Service and repair rip-off
The important thing to remember is that you can question the advice you receive. If you're ever unsure of what you are being told question it; ask the mechanic or dealer to explain o show you why a particular service is needed.
Timing Just Right
YES, it is good advice. Belts are typically changed at about four years or 100,000km, whichever comes first, and in your case both milestones are up. As for cost expect it to be $200-$400.
Reds that don't keep
UNFORTUNATELY there is not a lot you can do other than regularly wash and polish. It's the reds used then. They fade.