Holden Frontera 2000 Problems

No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Holden Frontera 2000 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.

The key for my 2000 Holden Frontera won't turn once you put it in

Answered by CarsGuide 7 Mar 2023

This is probably a case of either the key being worn to the point where it doesn’t engage with the ignition barrel properly any longer, or the barrel itself (in the steering column) is likewise worn to the point where the two components no longer mesh properly. Failing that, it could be that the ignition barrel has collapsed internally, locking itself in place and refusing to turn. If either of those things happen, you won’t get any dashboard lights, and the steering column will remain locked meaning the car can’t be steered.

A locksmith should be able to sort this pretty easily, but at a cost. The alternative would be to find an ignition barrel in a Frontera at a wrecking yard and swap it for the one in your car. Don’t forget to the get the key from the wrecked car, though, as the new barrel won’t work with your old key. You’ll also need to have the replacement key’s remote locking function recoded to talk to your car.

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