Holden HT 1969 Problems
No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Holden HT 1969 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.
Metric solution
Another reader has told us that Jamie should be able to find what he wants at Holcar in Lilydale (ph: 9739 6088). If that proves unsuccessful, Peter Simpson says he's got a sticker that might suit in his collection of old speedos and might be able to help out if Jamie cares to contact the Cars Guide office again.
Miles behind the times
Metric conversion scales for speedos were popular at the time we changed from imperial measurements to metric, but I haven't seen one for years. I'm told Auto Surplus (ph: 9873 3566) and Auto Spares Galore (ph: 9758 3644) used to stock them, so it might be worth trying them. Other than that, you might keep an eye out for one at a swap meet. As for a new speedo, I don't believe there are systems available for the HT. One solution would be to make your own scale by applying a strip of tape to the speedo face at the appropriate speeds -- 50km/h, 60km/h and 100km/h.