Year | Price From | Price To |
2010 | $3,190 | $5,500 |
2009 | $3,080 | $5,170 |
2008 | $2,640 | $4,950 |
2007 | $2,420 | $4,070 |
2006 | $2,310 | $4,070 |
Kia Magentis FAQs
Check out real-world situations relating to the Kia Magentis here, particularly what our experts have to say about them.
Converting a Kia Magentis
There isn't a lot of history on the Kia Magentis to be able to confidently recommend that you convert it, but the guys at The Australian LPG Warehouse have done the necessary emissions testing on the car to enable them to do the conversion and they have done at least one car using their EMR vapour-injection system.
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Ask Smithy Xtra Kia Magentis conversion
I know of one company that has certified a kit for your car, that’s Impco, but it’s not clear if they have actually manufactured a kit yet. That’s because of the very low demand for conversions on the Magentis. Contact Impco for more information.
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