Saab 9-5 2000 Problems

No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Saab 9-5 2000 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.

Saab turbo replacement

Answered by CarsGuide 23 Sep 2010

The trade puts the turbo life at 100,000-150,000 km depending on how they've been serviced. If they've been well serviced they will last up to 150,000 km. The word is they can't be rebuilt and a replacement is the only real option. A new factory-supplied turbo costs around $2200 fitted.

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Underpriced saab

Answered by CarsGuide 17 Jan 2003

When you're buying a car it's best to concentrate on the changeover figure rather than the price of the car you're buying and the trade-in value of the car you're selling. The dealer selling the Saab might have given you a generous trade-in price and is sticking to his selling price, whereas the second dealer you contacted might be quoting you a rock-bottom trade-in while being more prepared to deal on the selling price. The difference between trade and retail you quote does seem high, but that might be because you are talking to two different dealers. Generally, though, Saabs tend to be hit harder than some other brands when it comes to depreciation, and they can be harder for dealers to move.

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