Haval H2 2019 Problems
No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Haval H2 2019 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.
How do you make the mirrors on a 2019 Haval H2 fold when you lock it?
This is something you can command the car to do via the menus. From the touchscreen, find the menu for the car’s functions, scroll through until you find the relevant section for the mirrors and enable the self-folding function on locking. That should do the trick.
The touchscreen in my 2019 Haval H2 isn't working
Good news; Haval extended its factory warranty to seven years back in 2018, meaning that your car is still under factory warranty. So make it Haval's problem. Assuming you haven't damaged the screen (and the car hasn't been under water or anything similarly drastic) and the failure has been caused by an electronic or hardware fault or flaw, Haval's warranty dictates it needs to fix it.
How can I get rid of the reminder to 'maintain my car' in my 2019 Haval H2?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a non-Haval workshop service your vehicle and, provided the workshop is qualified, there will be no problems with any warranty claims down the track. In fact, the relative scarcity of Haval dealers in Australia means that many owners living in regional or remote areas have very little choice but to use a non-Haval service centre.
As far as the service reminder message goes, the solution is not so simple. While many makes and models have a simple method of cancelling this reminder (usually via the infotainment system and a series of menus) it appears the Haval H2 requires the Haval factory computer to achieve this. The message cancellation appears to be performed via the car's diagnostic port, rather than any simple method you could do at home. So, next time you're near a Haval dealer, drop in and have the message erased.
How do I reset the service reminder on my 2019 Haval H2?
While some makes and models have a simple, DIY method for cancelling this reminder, it seems these late-model Havals do not, and the service indicator needs to be cancelled via the diagnostic port and a laptop with the correct, Haval-specific software. Which could mean a trip to your nearest dealer.
Did you have the vehicle serviced at a non-Haval workshop? Given the relative scarcity of Haval dealerships, that’s the reality for a lot of owners, but not every non-Haval workshop has the software to cancel the reminder. One option is to phone around local workshops to see if they have the software to perform this task. The other is to put up with the service indicator beaming at you constantly and remembering when the next service is due. A lot of old-school workshops put a little sticker at the top of your windscreen listing the date and mileage that the next service is due. It’s a nice touch.
Haval H2 2019: Safety and parts availability
It’s got an ANCAP safety rating of five stars, which is the highest possible. There is a suite of active and passive safety features including ABS brakes, numerous airbags, emergency brake assistance, traction control, and electronic stability control. There are dealers in all the state capitals and several major towns around the country, so parts and service shouldn’t be a problem.