Year | Price From | Price To |
2020 | $14,630 | $25,300 |
2019 | $14,080 | $28,050 |
2018 | $11,770 | $26,950 |
2017 | $10,560 | $24,530 |
2016 | $10,230 | $21,890 |
2015 | $10,230 | $20,460 |
2010 | $4,070 | $9,790 |
2009 | $3,960 | $9,460 |
2008 | $2,090 | $8,800 |
2007 | $1,650 | $6,380 |
2006 | $1,540 | $5,280 |
2005 | $1,430 | $5,060 |
2004 | $2,200 | $4,950 |
2003 | $2,310 | $5,720 |
2002 | $2,090 | $5,720 |
2001 | $1,980 | $5,720 |
2000 | $1,980 | $4,070 |
1999 | $1,980 | $4,070 |
1998 | $1,980 | $4,070 |
1997 | $1,980 | $4,070 |
1996 | $1,980 | $4,070 |
1989 | $1,380 | $3,080 |
1988 | $1,380 | $3,080 |
1987 | $1,030 | $3,080 |
1986 | $1,030 | $3,630 |
1985 | $1,030 | $3,630 |
1984 | $1,030 | $3,630 |
Holden Astra FAQs
Check out real-world situations relating to the Holden Astra here, particularly what our experts have to say about them.
How do I find the radio security code for my Holden Astra?
The first thing to do is find the owner’s manual and any paperwork that came with the car when it was brand new. Many dealerships wrote the security code on a business card that was slipped into the owner’s folder, others sometimes write the code somewhere on one of the manual’s pages. Either of which kind of defeats the purpose of a secret code, but it was common practice.
If that doesn’t pay off, you may have to remove the radio from the dashboard, record the unit’s serial number and contact either Holden or the stereo’s manufacturer (I think Blaupunkt, in this case) to see if it has records of what security code went with what radio.
Finally, there’s another long-shot that might pay off. Your car has an individual VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) which should be recorded on a metal plate at the edge of the windscreen, under the glass. The last four digits of this VIN are often the security code for the radio fitted at the factory. It doesn’t work on every make and model, but it’s free and worth a shot.
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Parts and servicing for a 2018 Holden Astra
Even though the Holden brand isn't selling new cars any longer, the brand still exists to service Holdens already on the road in Australia. Spare parts for an Astra are no problem to get hold of, either through a Holden service centre or from any number of suppliers, many of whom have websites you can look up.
That said, I wouldn't be too picky about having a 2018 car serviced by Holden, as any good workshop should be able to tackle any job on this relatively conventional car. But, if you do wish to use a Holden service centre, there are nine listed in the Perth area, so finding one shouldn't be a problem.
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How do I start a 2003 Holden Astra after it has run out of fuel?
This shouldn't be too difficult, as the 2003 Astra was only available with a petrol engine. If your car was a diesel-powered car (available in the next generation of Astra) the situation could be much more complicated. As it is, however, you should really only need to add fresh fuel to the tank, switch on the ignition for a few seconds to allow the fuel pump to prime the engine and then hit the starter. Don't crank the engine for long periods if it's a bit slow to start a this will drain the battery and potentially overheat the starter motor. Instead, try starting the engine in bursts of a few seconds at a time with a little time between to let things cool down.
Sometimes, however, the fuel pump won't appreciate being allowed to run dry and this can cause internal damage to the pump sufficient for it to need replacement. Generally, though, if you can hear the pump buzzing with the ignition on, the pump is working. In some extreme cases, the pump may not be able to prime the engine and the solution then is to spray a little starter fluid down the intake system to start the engine and hopefully allow the pump to catch up. But be warned, this is a dangerous process and should only be tried by somebody who knows what they're doing. It also involves undoing some of the trunking or piping to gain access to the engine's intake.
The other potential hazard with running a car dry of fuel is that you'll drag all the silt, rust and dirt that once sat harmlessly in the bottom of the tank through the engine and into the fuel system. So you would be well advised to change the fuel filters and check that no rubbish has entered the system.
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