Holden Colorado Diesel Problems
Holden Colorado 2011: What type of engine does my car have?
Yes, it is a common rail diesel engine.
Holden Colorado 2008: Blowback diesel
It could be that they’ve replaced their pumps and the flow was too high for your car. Try tempering the flow next time you fill at that servo, and to be sure fill at another servo to see if it does it at other stations or it’s just related to the newly renovated one.
Holden Colorado: Driving a diesel with a DPF in the city
It's not an unusual requirement with a diesel with a DPF. The DPF normally cleans itself automatically without you even knowing, you don't have to do anything. But if you don't do the sort of driving that invokes the automatic regeneration you then have to take action as recommended by Holdens to do it. Diesels don't work at their best when tooling around the ‘burbs at low speed, and anyone buying one with that sort of driving routine should ask their dealer about the suitability of the vehicle for them.
Holden Colorado 2014: Diesel light coming on
I agree that two weeks is too long to have to wait, the dealer’s workshop is poorly organized if he has to wait that long. I wouldn’t be concerned about driving the car of the light is not illuminated, if it comes on again, stop and turn the ignition off and on again. That might be enough to reboot the computer and keep you going. If it’s coming on regularly then certainly have the cause investigated.
Holden Colorado 2011: Leaking air filter after servicing
It looks like you’ve reached a stalemate. Ryco has told you there is nothing wrong with its filter and are obviously happy to leave it at that. I suggest you sit down with them and discuss your concerns face to face. If that doesn’t achieve a resolution, then take it to consumer affairs.
Holden Colorado 2012: Turbocharger whistle
No there appears to be something amiss with it, so get the dealer to check it again. If that doesn't resolve the issue take it to an independent diesel engine mechanic and have them check it for you.
Holden Colorado: Can i use a B20 blend of biodiesel?
The Colorado will run on Biodiesel, but the issue is that it cleans vanish and other deposits from the fuel system when you switch from regular mineral oil diesel. If you were to switch you should run a replace the filters after running a tank of biodiesel through it. If you do that you should be ok.