Year | Price From | Price To |
2004 | $2,750 | $8,470 |
2003 | $2,750 | $8,470 |
2002 | $2,750 | $8,470 |
2001 | $2,750 | $8,470 |
2000 | $2,860 | $7,810 |
1999 | $2,860 | $7,810 |
1998 | $2,640 | $7,810 |
1997 | $2,640 | $6,380 |
1996 | $2,640 | $6,380 |
1995 | $2,310 | $6,380 |
1994 | $2,310 | $4,950 |
1993 | $2,310 | $5,720 |
1992 | $2,310 | $5,720 |
1991 | $2,640 | $4,620 |
1990 | $2,640 | $4,620 |
1989 | $2,640 | $4,620 |
1988 | $2,640 | $4,620 |
1987 | $2,640 | $4,070 |
1986 | $2,640 | $4,070 |
1985 | $2,640 | $4,070 |
1984 | $2,640 | $4,070 |
1983 | $2,640 | $4,070 |
1982 | $2,640 | $4,070 |
1981 | $2,640 | $4,070 |
Holden Jackaroo FAQs
Check out real-world situations relating to the Holden Jackaroo here, particularly what our experts have to say about them.
Turbo-diesel difficult to start
I would suggest you seek out a diesel specialist to work on your car. It is valued at about $8000 at best on the used car market, and that's when it's running well, so that should give you an idea of what to spend on it.
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Holden Jackaroo cooler
I wouldn't reconnect it. If the aftermarket cooler is designed to operate as a stand-alone one, and it's doing the job, then I would leave well enough alone.
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Ask Smithy Xtra LPG for Holden Jackaroo
The 2.6-litre engine should be fine, but there were some concerns with the early build 3.2-litre engines in the Jackaroo.
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