Mazda 323 2003 Problems
No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Mazda 323 2003 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.
Does Mazda 323 use E10 fuel?
Mazda's advice is that you shouldn’t use E10 fuel in your 323. Continue to use regular unleaded.
Mazda 323 SP20 acceleration problem
It's not a problem we have heard about, but I suggest it's related to the throttle position sensor. Take it to an independent mechanic experienced in Mazdas and they should be able to fix it. You're right not to put up with it.
Replacing Astina with Mazda 2?
The Mazda2 is rated to tow 500kg unbraked or 900kg braked, which would seem sufficient to handle your box trailer, but it depends on the weight of the trailer. Other cars of a similar size are similarly rated, so if you want to tow more than the Mazda2 is rated for you would need a larger car.
Ask Smithy Xtra Mazda 323 revs and stalls
If the coil were faulty I would expect it to play up all the time, not just first thing in the morning. Get the transmission checked, particularly the fluid level.
Mazda 323 brake pad/rotor issues
Most mechanics would skim the rotors when changing pads, and at 52,000 km I would expect that's all you would need to do. On heavier cars I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the rotors were worn, but on a light car like that I would expect longer life. While I can only speculate on your case, I can say that some dealers simply prefer to replace parts rather than repair, or in your case, machine them. They can make more money out of supplying and fitting the new parts than be doing what an old time mechanic might do.
Trade or sell
There are only two ways -- privately or by trading the car in with a dealer. You will get more for it by selling it, up to $19,000, but you will have to advertise it and sit by the phone at weekends. You may wait quite a while for a buyer. I would recommend you trade it in on the car you want. You will get about $16,000, but it's the easiest and quickest way to go.