Toyota Aurion 2008 Problems

No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Toyota Aurion 2008 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.

Toyota Corolla 2008: Specifications

Answered by CarsGuide 25 Nov 2016

I'm afraid the Corolla and Aurion are actually two separate models, but you'll find price and spec details on the 2008 Aurion here, and the 2008 Corolla here.

If you want a workshop manual I would suggest you google Toyota workshop manuals, or go to ebay.

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Solution to convex mirrors

Answered by CarsGuide 4 Aug 2014

Convex mirrors are not unsafe, they just need the driver to take a different view.

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Toyota Aurion 2008: Shuddering solution

Answered by CarsGuide 26 Apr 2013

It's good to hear that your car was fixed; it's also good to hear that there are still mechanics working at dealers who know how to fix cars and not just replace parts.

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Toyota Aurion 2008: Leaking water pump but Toyota willing to pay half

Answered by CarsGuide 8 Mar 2013

If it is only a slight leak you could probably continue to drive it, but if you did it would only get worse and you will eventually have to replace the pump at your cost. I would accept the offer.

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Toyota Aurion: Oil leak from timing cover

Answered by CarsGuide 14 Dec 2012

It does seen unreasonable to have to remove the engine to fix an oil leak at the timing cover, I would take it somewhere else and get another quote. Oil leaks are not uncommon on Toyotas, as they are on other models, so I would doubt that you would win an argument that it wasn't wear-and tear. If the leak isn't a bad one then I would think you could carry on for some time before you needed to have it fixed.

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Toyota Aurion 2008: Poor service history

Answered by CarsGuide 7 Dec 2012

You say the car had a poor service history when you bought it, and there was sludge under the filler cap. Both should have been warning to you that this car hasn't been well cared for; you are now paying the price. Sludge builds up in the oil galleries when the oil isn't regularly changed, and if let go long enough can cause blockages that can be fatal to an engine. It's rattling, using a lot of oil, and blowing a lot of black smoke, you should have it pulled down and inspected, and possibly rebuilt.

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Toyota Aurion 2009: Pulling left

Answered by CarsGuide 23 Jun 2011

I would swap tyres from side to side, as tyres can often be a contributor to this sort of problem.

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