Ford Territory 2008 Problems
No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Ford Territory 2008 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.
Ford Territory differential bushes
I have had reports of others needing diff bushes, from what I can determine it's not an uncommon fault in the Territory.
Brake hoses horror
IT IS a disgrace and Ford should do something about it. A failure on such a vital component should simply not happen. The failure of one brake hose will cause the loss of braking in one system, but you should still have the braking effect of the second system, even if it is substantially diminished. One brake service centre told us it regularly saw failed brake hoses, usually front but also back on occasions, on Falcons and Territorys, but they're usually on high-kilometre cars such as taxis. A taxi operator told us they routinely replace the hoses on any BF Falcon they buy before it goes into service simply because of the high rate of hose failure. It is claimed by people in the trade that Ford designed the hoses too short and they are under tension when installed. The aftermarket, and we believe now also the Ford replacements, are a little longer and don't have the problem. It should have been a recall campaign and Ford should have fixed all cars.
Territory trouble
IF YOU have someone other than a Ford dealer work on your car you will have to pay. As you've consistently reported the problem, and presumably have documentation to support your claim, you could persist with Ford and try to get them to cover the repairs. You might have some success, but I don't like your chances.
It came with the territory
THANKS for the tip. Yours is the first report we've had of suspension and drive-shaft problems with the Territory. Perhaps other readers could let us know of their experiences with the car.