Ford Territory 2011 Problems
No car is perfect, but we've gathered everything relating to the Ford Territory 2011 reliability here to help you decide if it's a smart buy.
Ford Territory ICC unit
It's time to draw a line in the sand, and get the dealer, and Ford, to set out their plan to fix the issues with your car. They are required to fix a car when it is faulty, as yours would appear to be, so you need to get them to spell out what they are going to do about it. Get it in writing, so you have something to which you can hold them to account. Also get them to give you a deadline, one that you can agree to. If that doesn't work out, press for a replacement vehicle.
Ford Territory knocking
It sounds like it might be a sensor and checking the crank angle sensor was sensible. I would also check the knock sensor, which is there to detect detonation and retard the ignition enough to prevent it from happening.
Territory Titanium has a severe vibration
Keep the pressure on the dealer and Ford to come to a resolution. The company is responsible to ensure the car they have sold you is fit for purpose, and it sounds, on the surface at least, suggests that yours might not be. If you feel you have reached the end of your tether go to the consumer affairs people and seek their advice on taking action against Ford.
Ask Smithy Xtra Air bag fault in Territory
By the sound of it the airbags should have deployed in a crash as severe as you describe, but you could only determine that by having an expert inspect the wreck and the sensors etc.