Toyota Camry Engine Problems

Toyota Camry 1989: Why won't it turn over?

Answered by CarsGuide 12 Aug 2010

When you turn the key you should be able to hear the starter solenoid kick in to engage the starter, if it doesn't then it could be a problem with the solenoid. If you can hear it engaging the starter it could be the battery. Even though you say you have fitted a new one, check its condition and make sure it is one with sufficient cold cranking capacity for your car. When it does fire and go don't put your foot on the throttle immediately, the SV21 has   fuel-injection and doing that will confuse the ECU, just let it run for a moment before trying to drive away.

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Toyota Camry 1994: Dark brown coolant

Answered by CarsGuide 5 Aug 2010

I'd say you have an engine problem, perhaps a cracked head.  Chemiweld is mostly used for a temporary repair to seal a crack in the cooling system without tearing the engine down and doing a proper fix. It's worked to some degree in that the engine is no longer running roughly and there is less steam coming from the exhaust, but the problem still appears to be there. Pull the engine down and find the real cause of the problem.

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Toyota Camry 1997: What is the average fuel consumption?

Answered by CarsGuide 24 Jun 2010

The consumption is higher than I would expect. When new Toyota was claiming 11.0 L/100 km in city driving and 8.0 or so on the highway, but after 280,000 km you could expect it to have worn a little and the compression would be down, so you would anticipate that you wouldn't be getting close to the new figures. Even so your consumption does seem too high.

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Toyota Camry 2001: Rough idle and haywire tacho

Answered by CarsGuide 20 May 2010

Your mechanic is correct, it's very hard to fix if the problem doesn't manifest itself when he's there to observe it. But I would suggest you start by checking the ignition system, the coils and crank angle sensor.

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Toyota Camry 2005: Coolant costing

Answered by CarsGuide 13 May 2010

Radiators fail from time to time on all makes and models. The Camry doesn't stand out as being a problem car in that respect. Toyota has come to the party with an offer to cover the cost of the radiator and fluid, that's a good deal and I would suggest you accept it.

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Toyota Camry 1998: Sooty exhaust after long drive

Answered by CarsGuide 22 Apr 2010

I wouldn't be too concerned about it. Sooty deposits can be because it was running rich, and you could see that in your fuel economy which would have suffered if it were wildly out of whack. If there were no change in the car's performance I would keep driving it and watch for any sign of a malfunction before having it checked.

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Toyota Camry 1999: Terrible miss in top gear

Answered by CarsGuide 13 Apr 2010

I would persist with cleaning the injectors and have them cleaned, the injector cleaners work best when they’re used regularly, they don’t always work when only used when there’s a problem.

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Should I use fuel injector cleaning fluid?

Answered by CarsGuide 11 Sep 2009

THOUGH the original question related to the Camry, the advice relates to all fuel-injected cars.

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Toyota Camry 2004: How often should the injectors be cleaned?

Answered by CarsGuide 14 Aug 2009

A MECHANIC mate recommends using the cleaner regularly, whether running on regular unleaded or premium. He advises using it once a month, not once a year, which is too infrequent to be of any benefit.

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Toyota Camry 1997: Leaking oil from the front seal

Answered by CarsGuide 25 Sep 2008

IT DEPENDS on the location of the leak. If it is from the front cover it will be fixed when the belt is serviced, but if it's from the front crankshaft seal it won't be and that will have to be an additional job. It's best to do them at the same time if you have to because that should save you some money compared with doing them independently. There's not much chance of the oil leaking into the cylinders.

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